La Demora, Clip and Play are winners of the MFF 2012!

In competition for best short movie the winner is - Elephant Feet

PROPELER JURY MEMBERS: Jagoda Kaloper, Ruth Bradley, Simon Perry

For its humanity and tenderness the Motovun Propeller goes to 'La demora' directed by Rodrigo Plá, an expressive and sensitive story of a family's love realised with remarkable cinematic skill.

Zbog svoje humanosti i nježnosti, Propeler Motovuna dobio je film 'La Demora' redatelja

Rodriga Pla. Ta izražajna i senzitivna priča o obiteljskoj ljubavi realizirana je s izuzetnim

filmskim umijećem.

BAUER JURY MEMBERS: Svetozar Cvetković, Pjer Žalica, Arta Dobroši, Marija škaričić, Karpo Godina, Nikola Vukčević, Vladimir Blaževski

Bauer nagradu dobiva film 'Klip' za izuzetnu autentičnost i autorsku beskompromisnost u tretiranju bolnih psiholoških trauma aktualne tranzicijske stvarnosti. Film vješto bira prikladan način da vrlo direktno komunicira sa frustracijama i dilemama mlade generacije filmske publike.

Bauer Award goes to the film Clip, because of its authenticity and the author's

uncompromising treatment of the painful psychological traumas of the period of transition we are experiencing. The film skillfully and directly communicates with the frustrations and dilemmas of younger cinemagoers.

FIPRESCI JURY MEMBERS: Mima Simić, Dejan Trajkoski, Vladan Petković

Film IGRA (Play, 2011) švedskog redatelja Rubena Östlunda upečatljiv je i iznad svega složen prikaz suvremene Europe, prelomljen kroz prizmu odnosa moći najmlađih generacija u najrazvijenijoj od demokracija. Izvrsno tempiranom naracijom dječačke odiseje u kapitalističkom svemiru Östlund se dotiče svih njegovih boljki – (auto-)rasizma, diktature političke korektnosti, kao i strategije pobune i prilagodbe. Kombiniranjem dokumentarističkog stila i hladnog oka nadzorne kamere Östlund postiže efekt stvarnosti, ali i upozorava na (politički pasivni) voajerizam gledatelja. 'Igra' je film čija majstorska formalna izvedba u potpunosti uspijeva obuhvatiti sve dimenzije trenutačno najosjetljivijih tema zapadne civilizacije.

The film Play (2011) by Swedish director Ruben Östlund is an impressive and, above all,

complex presentation of modern Europe, depicted through the trial of strength of the youngest generations in one of the most developed democracies. Using excellent timing, Östlund’s narration about a children’s odyssey in the capitalist universe deals with all of its problems: (self)racism, rule of political correctness and strategies of rebellion and adjustment. By combining a documentary style and the cold eye of a surveillance camera, Östlund has achieved the effect of reality, warning at the same time on the (politically passive) voyeurism of the viewers. Play is a skillfully made film which manages to grasp all the aspects of currently most sensitive issues of the Western civilization.

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