Kindness and Love as Rudiments of Acting

High Noonish with Rade Šerbedžija

In today's High Noonish conversation, Rade šerbedžija reminisced of the films he had made here and abroad since the beginnings of his career. Although he worked on large-scale projects, he says he never thought about them as turning points – he would merely get the job done.

While he is well-known by his theatrical roles, he primarily considers himself as a film actor. His most beautiful memories are associated with his cooperation with filmmaker Žika Pavlović, for the simple reason that he loved his film shots. While on the set, Rade was concerned because Pavlović would never instruct him. When he finally said something, Pavlović told him not to dramatize things because he – Pavlović – chose him for the role. šerbedžija says there was a number of films in his early career that he should not have made, but he made them nevertheless – for friendship, not for money.

„The most important thing in a film is a close-up, everything else is directing. In a close-up there are no lies,“ says šerbedžija. This is the reason why he considers his co-directing cooperation with his son an emotional failure. In his opinion,Liberation of Skopje, the film they made together, lacks this special shot. Be it as it may, the film was a success in the world. Owing to a close-up from Bora Drašković'sLife Is Beautiful, Rade landed a role in a Stanley Kubrick's film.

While auditioning for Kubrick'sEyes Wide Shut, he had a minor nervous breakdown. He threw the text away and said he could not do it. When they asked him to come back, he stopped at the door to decide whether to do the film or not. He thinks this was the crucial moment why Kubrick selected him for the part. He says he did not learn anything new while making his international films, for in the end of the day, it all comes down to the same – the actor and diretor discussing what is to be done. Kindness and love are the rudiments of acting and they can only be found in loneliness. He who learns that in his youth is a wise man, concluded šerbedžija.

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