Clash of cinematic minds at Petehovac


On the first day of the festival, Morana Zibar tested the film knowledge of Cinehill film enthusiasts.

In the cool shade and under a clear mountain sky, the quiz participants, sitting on bales of hay, briskly wrote down their answers. Maybe it was the fresh mountain air, but correct answers to the pretty demanding were pouring in.

“Fortunately, that composer did not get to see the films that bear his name”, Morana joked about the comedy starring the famous Bernardine. Our gentle-hearted host was prone to hints, not just about Beethoven. She must have been carried away by the good atmosphere. However, as always, fair play remained until the end.

We were also reminded of the best-selling Croatian film on DVD, shot with a microscopic budget of 500 kunas, directed by Bore Lee. The co-director of this “high-quality trash”, as Morana called it, is Mario Kovač, who will also be DJ-ing at this year’s Cinehill. Visitors will get a dance to move their feet to his time-machine setlist on Saturday at 1:30 am.

We also learned that chat GPT describes the Cinehill festival in one word as “eclectic”.

The names of the quiz teams certainly were eclectic and included The Slashers, We Tried, Bulls without Sonja, We Made It All Possible for You, and others. Special congratulations to the winning team of Ratko Rudić, who were only one point short of the total number. We also congratulate the runners-up Just Buzzing Around and the bronze White Mouse.

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