četvrtak19rujan14:00četvrtak15:40Robot Dreams14:00 - 15:40 Radnički dom – DelniceProgramTimpetill
Robot Dreams dir. Pablo Berger ES, FR, 102′ A warm and nostalgic story of a friendship, its depth and
Robot Dreams
dir. Pablo Berger
ES, FR, 102′
A warm and nostalgic story of a friendship, its depth and fragility, and the first animated film by the Spanish director Pablo Berger. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film and won a number of prestigious awards, including the European Film Award and Goya for Best Screenplay and Best Animated Film. The plot follows a touching friendship between a dog and a robot in New Yrk City during the 80s. Fed up with his lonely existence, one day Dog decides to build himself a friend – a robot. The unusual duo quickly grows inseparable and their friendship blooms as they spend they days walking the colourful streets of New York. One summer evening, an unexpected event forces them apart. Will they ever meet again?
19. rujan 2024. 14:00 - 15:40
Radnički dom – Delnice