četvrtak28srp18:30četvrtak19:35MOTOVUN SHORTS 2: TAKE ME TO THAT OTHER WORLD (64')18:30 - 19:35 MAK
MOTOVUN SHORTS 2 64′ Datsun dir. Mark Albiston, NZ, 2022, 15’18” Matt is a typical angst ridden 14-year-old boy. When his mum decides to sell his
dir. Mark Albiston, NZ, 2022, 15’18”
Matt is a typical angst ridden 14-year-old boy. When his mum decides to sell his deceased dad’s car, Matt decides to take his best friend Howie and his little brother on one last joyride.
dir. Danijel Žeželj, HR, 2022, 12’26”
On his daily rounds around the city, Collector records the sounds of urban jungle. Every night he turns these sounds into music.
Techno, Mama
dir. Saulius Baradinskas, LT, 2021, 18’19”
Nikita loves techno and dreams about going to Berlin and visiting the famous Berghain. His mother Irena does not know about her son’s dreams, and soon enough their expectations will clash.
The Sunset Special
dir. Nicolas Gebbe, DE, 2021, 17’30”
A secluded beach location, the perfect partner, the most exclusive Hotel… It is the life of your dreams. Join an eerie trip to a luxurious place of unfulfilled desires, nostalgia and longing.
28. srpanj 2022. 18:30 - 19:35