subota29srp17:00MILAN MAJEROVIĆ-STILINOVIĆ: SRCE MOG MEDVJEDA17:00 CineChillProgramSide Events
We have prepared a relaxing corner of the forest for you – Cinechill – while you rest your eyes from an invasion of amazing films. Come, take
We have prepared a relaxing corner of the forest for you – Cinechill – while you rest your eyes from an invasion of amazing films. Come, take a break and listen to the sounds of nature, and if you prick up your ears, you will catch more interesting talks with our festival guests. If you have not yet read the book Srce mog medvjeda (My Bear’s Heart) written by Milan Majerović-Stilinović, this is your chance to get seduced by his love letter to the magical nature of Gorski Kotar. Learn more about the fascinating mountain saga inspired by the daily life of this place that features front and centre in the book.
29. srpanj 2023. 17:00