subota27srp12:30Meet the Birds of Prey12:30 CINEMA ON THE SLOPEProgramSide Events
Vitold Košir – Ito is a Renaissance man: a contemporary visual artist, an academically trained sculptor, a member of the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra and the band
Vitold Košir – Ito is a Renaissance man: a contemporary visual artist, an academically trained sculptor, a member of the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra and the band Cry Babies… You met him as the author of the festival award statuette, but now it’s time to see him in the role of a falconer! Everything you wanted to know about birds of prey at Cinehill will be revealed to you by Ito and his feathered friends, on whom he recently wrote a book.
27. srpanj 2024. 12:30