Walls & Bridges exhibition opened

Walls & Bridges exhibition presents artworks by thirteen Croatian and regional artists living and working in Berlin – the Partner City of the festival.

The exhibition, arranged by curator Morana Matković, will be open until 28 July.

Every night at 19:30, visitors will be able to meet one of the participating artists. Lovro Artuković will talk about his art. Nina Radić will be hypnotizing you. Irma Markulin will tell you her story. Tanja Ostojić will carry out a performance. The works span various art forms, thus adding to the special atmosphere of the exhibition. Due to its specific characteristics, the artwork of Boris Ivandić will be exhibited in the streets of Motovun. The exhibition tackling the migration of artists has thus managed to take them back home, at least for a short while.

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Cinheill je drukčiji filmski festival u okruženju iskonske prirode, u kojoj treba podići kina, pozornice, organizirati desetke projekcija, koncerta i pratećih programa na nekoliko lokacija, ali i uskladiti život i rad ekipe od najmanje stotinu entuzijastičnih članova iz više zemalja. Pod svojim starim imenom Motovun Film Festival afirmirao se kao jedan od najpopularnijih kulturnih događanja u zemlji i regiji.
Zato umjetnička organizacija Motovun Film Festival traži producenta/icu motivirane za posebne izazove.

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