Good news for the "late birds": short films can be submitted until 27 May.

Knowing that sighs of reliefs of fimmakers can be heard every time deadlines are extended, we hereby inform you that you have one more week to submit your film for the Motovun Shorts program. The deadline is now the last day of this week – Sunday, 27 May at 23:59.

Eligible for the Motovun Shorts selection are films with a running time of up to 20 minutes, not older than 18 months. The selector will pick twenty films which are to be shown in the festival's competition program. The list of selected films will be announced by the end of June.

The application form can be filled out HERE.

As we have received more submissions than ever (more than 900 films from 47 countries), by extending the deadline we merely want to give a chance to everybody who wants to submit their film to do so.

Motovun Film Festival does not accept submissions of feature-length films. They only get invited by the organizers.

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Cinheill je drukčiji filmski festival u okruženju iskonske prirode, u kojoj treba podići kina, pozornice, organizirati desetke projekcija, koncerta i pratećih programa na nekoliko lokacija, ali i uskladiti život i rad ekipe od najmanje stotinu entuzijastičnih članova iz više zemalja. Pod svojim starim imenom Motovun Film Festival afirmirao se kao jedan od najpopularnijih kulturnih događanja u zemlji i regiji.
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