Motovun is doing Irish dancing!

Dance workshops by Paul O'Grady

Ireland is our partner country this year, and alongside 15 films from the green island we have prepared dance workshops. Paul O'Grady is running three afternoon workshops, from Wednesday to Friday.

Take a look at Motovun dancing tonight at 9 pm at cinema Trg! Before we screen ‘The Guard’, Paul O'Grady’s dancers will demonstrate their skill, and then you can rush off in a trance to the information desk in front of the hotel Kaštel and sign up for (a free and very lively) workshop! Motovun is dancing, so let's dance!

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Cinheill je drukčiji filmski festival u okruženju iskonske prirode, u kojoj treba podići kina, pozornice, organizirati desetke projekcija, koncerta i pratećih programa na nekoliko lokacija, ali i uskladiti život i rad ekipe od najmanje stotinu entuzijastičnih članova iz više zemalja. Pod svojim starim imenom Motovun Film Festival afirmirao se kao jedan od najpopularnijih kulturnih događanja u zemlji i regiji.
Zato umjetnička organizacija Motovun Film Festival traži producenta/icu motivirane za posebne izazove.

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