
25/7 – 28/7 | 10:00 | SANJKALIŠTE

The festival day should not start without morning yoga, while this year it is led by Dragana Yogini, a well-known yoga teacher from Zagreb and a longtime visitor of our festival. Her morning programs encompass the different aspects of yoga practice, including conscious breathing and meditation techniques, asanas, yoga principles, and other tools of Hatha-Raya and Dharma Yoga.

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Cinheill je drukčiji filmski festival u okruženju iskonske prirode, u kojoj treba podići kina, pozornice, organizirati desetke projekcija, koncerta i pratećih programa na nekoliko lokacija, ali i uskladiti život i rad ekipe od najmanje stotinu entuzijastičnih članova iz više zemalja. Pod svojim starim imenom Motovun Film Festival afirmirao se kao jedan od najpopularnijih kulturnih događanja u zemlji i regiji.
Zato umjetnička organizacija Motovun Film Festival traži producenta/icu motivirane za posebne izazove.

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Cinehill 2024 Winners

After five days of fantastic films in the midst of magical green forests of Gorski Kotar, the 26th edition of Cinehill (and the first one

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