Imagine with Narration for the Blind to Open the Festival

The peculiarity of the screening in Motovun is that it will be accompanied by narration for blind viewers

The opening ceremony of the festival will be followed by the screening ofImagine, a film by Polish director Andrzej Jakimowski, who will be joining us in Motovun together with the leading actor Edward Hogg. This Polish-Portuguese-French-British co-production is a story about a blind teacher who comes to a home for the visually impaired and blind. He encourages them to expand their limits and walk without white canes – facing all the risks arising from it.

The screening will include a narration for blind viewers, enabling them to enjoy the film. The recording of the narration and the accompanying equipment has been provided by the association for promotion of quality education of young people with disabilities which – by coincidence – is called Imagine, just like the film. (Imagine,

We are using this opportunity to remind you that the complete screening schedule is now available on our website.

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