FAQ: Collecting All for 10/15 ticket sets

How, when and where can the happy ticket set owners collect them:

Having received numerous questions on how to collect the ticket sets All for 10 / All for 15 booked in advance, our beloved Ticket Sector Coordinators explain here how, when and where can the happy ticket set owners collect them:

When purchasing the sets, you received your Purchase Receipt.

If you bought them online: All you need to do is to print out the Purchase Receipt you received by e-mail and produce it at the Festival Box Office or Campsite Reception Desk in Motovun. In return, you will receive tickets for all 10 screenings of your choice.

If you purchased your ticket sets at some of our selling points: You were issued a printout of the Purchase Receipt there. Take the printout with you to Motovun and you can exchange it for 10 tickets of your choice the same way as explained

above – at the Festival Box Office or Campsite Reception Desk.

On the day of your arrival, the first time you go to one of the Box Offices, you exchange your Purchase Receipt for all the 10 films you want to see during the festival. It means you must decide there and then which 10 films you would like to see. It also means you should come as early as possible for you will have better chances that the screenings of your preference will not have been sold out and that you will be able to buy the desired tickets. 🙂

And no – you cannot get more than one ticket for one screening. In other words, the principle is: One person (one set) – one ticket per screening.

For all additional queries contact us any time on ulaznice@motovunfilmfestival.com.

See you soon on Film Hill!

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Cinheill je drukčiji filmski festival u okruženju iskonske prirode, u kojoj treba podići kina, pozornice, organizirati desetke projekcija, koncerta i pratećih programa na nekoliko lokacija, ali i uskladiti život i rad ekipe od najmanje stotinu entuzijastičnih članova iz više zemalja. Pod svojim starim imenom Motovun Film Festival afirmirao se kao jedan od najpopularnijih kulturnih događanja u zemlji i regiji.
Zato umjetnička organizacija Motovun Film Festival traži producenta/icu motivirane za posebne izazove.

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