50 YEARS AWARD: A Conversation with Zdenko Jelčić

petak28srp17:0050 YEARS AWARD: A Conversation with Zdenko Jelčić17:00 CineChillProgramSide Events

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We have prepared a relaxing corner of the forest for you – Cinechill – while you rest your eyes from an invasion of amazing films. Come, take a break and listen to the sounds of nature, and if you prick up your ears, you will catch more interesting talks with our festival guests. Along with the presentation of the 50 Years Award, bestowed on a domestic filmmaker who has forever indebted Croatian cinema with a career spanning half a century, enjoy an entertaining encounter with this year’s laureate Zdenko Jelčić – whom older audiences will know as Commander Ljubo from Kapelski kresovi, while younger ones will remember Blago Antić from the popular TV series The Paper.



28. srpanj 2023. 17:00



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