Motovun Film Festival 2018 has launched its call for entries today.

Motovun Film Festival, which is scheduled to take place from 24. -28. July 2018, in Motovun, Croatia, has launched its call for entries today.

In order to be accepted for the preselection, films must have had their national premieres (not applicable to Croatian films) that took place in the past 18 months prior to the festival. Films for the Motovun Shorts selection must be 20 minutes or less.

We do not accept feature or medium-length films.

In addition to the submitted films, those invited by our programmers can also be included in the program.

Deadline for submissions: 20th May 2018.

All the applicants will be notified of the preselection process results by 29th June, 2018

Please fill in theforms that you can find here:

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