A family atmosphere will once again reign in Buzet

BUZZ@TEEN: Motovun previews and great youth film festival

A family atmosphere will once again reign in Buzet from 20-23 July. For the fifth year in a row, previews of three films from Motovun Film Festival main program will be shown along with not less than nine Croatian and foreign youth films that, together with attractive guests, will certainly thrill both young and adult audiences.

As in the past years, the mass film-watching in Istrian hills begins in Buzet with MFF previews and Buzz@teen – a great youth film festival. Its selector Inja Korać has picked nine children’s films enabling whole families to enjoy “the seventh art” and become acquainted with the recent European cinema production. “Last year we showed our youngest viewers what their peers in Europe like to watch and this year we’ll be showing as many as three recent Croatian films and one excellent Slovenian film. It is a message suggesting that the kids in Europe will also be thrilled to see these fantastic films, not minding having to listen to the language that problably sounds strange to fthem while watching the films with the subtitles in their own languages“, explained children's program selector Inja Korać.

The main screening on Thursday, 20 July will be preceded by the animated short film Hedgehog’s Home by Eva Cvijanović, this year’s hit that premiered at Berlinale. This famous animal story by Branko Ćopić won a recognition there – a special mention of the children’s jury in the Generation Kplus section.

Buzet will see one more attractive premiere – Oddsockeaters, the highest-grossing animated film in Czech history, made in coproduction with Croatia. It is based on Pavel šrut’s popular children’s book about competing gangs of small, cute creatures, invisible to ordinary people, who steel and eat a single sock from every pair they find.

We can also single out here the third episode of the adventures of popular Koko – The Mystery of Green Hill. Its author, Čejen Černić, will be our guest in Buzet and we hope that the young film crew will be joining her.

As for the adults, they will have a chance to see three MFF previews in Pjacalet Theater – The Fury of a Patient Man (an excellent Spanish thriller), The Distinguished Citizen (a black-humor drama opening the 20th Motovun Film Festival) and A Date for Mad Mary (an Irish comedy). On Saturday, 22 July, both parents and children will be able to enjoy the timeless documentary film Animals Are Beautiful People, recently shown in an appropriate venue in Zagreb – the city zoo!

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